Sublime 3 Text Editor Build 3083 2015 Final Version Full Activated - Apabila kamu adalah seorang web programmer atau semacamnya, tentu kamu sudah tau tentang software text editor powerfull ini. Nah, kali ini admin akan membagikan software yang fungsinya sama seperti text editor lain seperti Notepad++, Atom dll, yaitu Sublime 3 Text Editor Build 3083 2015 Final Version Full Activated . Software ini memiliki tampilan yang menarik dan dapat diganti temanya, sehingga lebih enak dilihat ketika kamu sedang mengedit kode.
dan ini adalah salah satu text editor favorite admin, karena mempunyai warna-warna ber variasi jadi membuat admin betah mengerakan sesuatu dengan Sublime 3 Text Editor ini.
admin sangat sarankan kalian harus cobakan text editor keren ini :)
How to Install :
- Download Sublime Text 3 melalui link yang sudah admin buatkan dibawah ini
- Ekstrak file yang sudah kamu download tadi dengan WinRAR
- Jika dimintai password, masukkan : atau
- Jalankan installer Sublime Text 3, kemudian install seperti biasa
- Jika sudah, jalankan softwarenya, kemudian klik Help > Enter License
- Gunakan license yang sudah ada di dalam 1 folder
- Yeah!! selamat sekarang Sublime kamu sudah full Activated :)
Download :
Password : | Status : Working! (Windows 7 - 10)
Best Regards.
FILEBEAST (c) 2015. All Right Reserved.
Write commentsA Plain Text Editor
ReplyPlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever
A Plain Text Editor
ReplyPlain Text files
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
Use for: writing whatever, wherever